"Wonderfully icky...laughs abound, and the five memorable performances buoy the delightful show...Kaliski’s satire is successful in reminding audiences of what we lose when we protect ourselves from all ailments, unhealthy snacks, and even contact with others. Like its characters, Kaliski hopes we see the benefit of intimacy while exploring the mess of life." -Theatre is Easy
"The play holds the audience’s attention without missing a beat, a nuance, or a single line...It’s about life and living and mortality and concludes with 'I dunno, man, I thought hey, fun while it lasted.' You will love it, hate it, or just be confused. But you definitely should not miss it." -Woman Around Town
"The ensemble mines the comic possibilities of the script’s jargon-rich dialogue while maintaining a truthful emotional core...the play’s startling, darkly hopeful ending makes a timely and touching point. This world is a hazardous place: increasingly so, if the headlines are to be believed. And yet we have to live our lives, embrace one another while we’re here, and somehow try to make sense of it all." -Ethan Kanfer
"Clever, laugh-worthy material...spirited direction by the playwright and Amanda Holston support three fine performances. Maestas and Cormier are quirkily appealing as the young couple, Low is playfully liberated as the mother, and Tobin is amusingly versatile as three different Jerrys." -Theater Pizzazz
"Ms. Low is spot on in her joie de vivre. Cormier adeptly handles the verbal and physical comedy required of her as well as the see me/feel me/touch me/heal me intensity of interacting with Manix, who radiates warmth. Co-directors Kaliski and Amanda Holston manage the pacing and movement across Jason Sherwood’s minimalist, alley theater set with aplomb." -Front Row Center
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